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Claudia is a goth girl who posesses seemingly random and unexplained powers, who hosts Bridgett's Slumber Party with her friends Bridgett and Gale. She can move objects with her mind, bark like a dog, produce Britney Spears at any given time, and has changed both her own and Elliot's outfits simply by entering and exiting Bridgett's closet.

She is fascinated with gross things, such as bodily fluids, dead animals and bugs. She gets along with Gale and Bridgett for the most part, although doesn't like being made to do things such as dance or cheerlead. Claudia often complains. "My gums are bleeding." "My finger is infected." "Can I puke?" "I'm allergic to cute.

In Season 10, she got her own sketch, "A Poem with Claudia."
